Amazing Scene!Harvesting Bamboo Shoots,Bamboo Shoots Manufacturing Process/泰安桂竹筍大量製作,桂竹筍採收-原住民桂竹筍加工站

Amazing Scene!Harvesting Bamboo Shoots, Bamboo Shoots Manufacturing Process / 泰安桂竹筍大量製作, 桂竹筍採收 – 泰安原住民桂竹筍加工站 – Taiwanese food
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**Location information**
Bamboo Shoots $6 USD
#HarvestingBambooShoots #BambooShootsHarvesting #DriedBambooShoots #BambooShoots #ManufacturingProcess #Manufacturing #Process #MassProduction #FoodFactory #ProcessingPlant #桂竹筍採收 #筍乾 #筍乾製作 #台灣美食
Tags: food