Promulgation of Law Repealing National Intelligence Bureau Law and Dissolution of the National Intelligence Bureau

YANGON, 22 Oct — At present, the State is in the process of establishing a developed and discipline-flourishing democratic State, and as it is found that the National Intelligence Bureau Law is no longer suitable for the welfare of the public to be in conformity with the changing situations and with a view to ensuring security and peace, the State Peace and Development Council promulgated the Law Repealing the National Intelligence Bureau Law and dissolved the National Intelligence Bureau, it is learnt.

The following is the full text of the Law Repealing the National Intelligence Bureau Law:

Union of Myanmar
The State Peace and Development Council
The Law Repealing the National Intelligence Bureau Law
(The State Peace and Development Council Law No 7/2004)
The 9th Waxing of Thadingyut, 1366 ME
(22nd October, 2004)

The State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts the following Law:-
1. This Law shall be called the Law Repealing the National Intelligence Bureau Law.
2. The National Intelligence Bureau Law (Pyithu Hluttaw Law No 10 of 1983) is hereby repealed.

Sd/ Than Shwe
Senior General
The State Peace and Development Council

Myanmar Law Center

