THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE REGULATION ACT [BURMA ACT XLIV. 1947.] (1st August 1947.) It is hereby enacted as follows : – 1. 1 (i) This Act extends to the whole of the Union of Burma and applies also to servants of the Government and to all citizens of the Union...
THE ARMS (TEMPORARY AMENDMENT) ACT * [ACT LI, 1951] (27th October, 1951) It is hereby enacted as follows: — 1. This Act shall remain in force until such date as the President of Union may, by notification, direct that it shall no longer be in force; and the provisions...
THE BURMA TERRITORIAL FORCE ACT 1. * * * * 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, — “enrolled’’ means enrolled or re-enrolled in the Burma Territorial Force under this Act; * * * *[i] “non-commissionned officer’’ means a person...
THE BURMA RESERVE FORCES ACT 1. * * * * 2. The Burma Reserve Forces shall consist of the Regular Reserve and the Supplementary Reserve. 3. A person belonging to the Burma Reserve Forces shall be liable to serve beyond the limits of the Union of Burma as well as...
THE CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT ACT, 1951.1 [ACT LXII, 1951.] (7th November, 1951.) An Act to amend the Constitution of the Union of Burma. It is hereby enacted as follows : 1. (1) This Act may be called The Constitution Amendment Act, 1951. (2) It shall come into force on...
The Central Statistical Authority Act, 1952 (Act No. 34 of 1952) It is hereby enacted as followsShort Title, and commencement 1. (1) This Act may be called the Central Statistical Authority Act, 1952. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the President may be...