2004-01: The Body Organ Donation Law

The Union of Myanmar The State Peace and Development Council The Body Organ Donation Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 1/2004) The 14th Waning Day of Tabodwe 1365 ME (19th February, 2004) The State Peace and Development Council here by enact the...

2003-06: The State Budget Law, 2003

The State Peace and Development Council The State Budget Law, 2003 (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 6/2003) The 11th Waning Day of Taboung, 1364 M.E. (28th March, 2003) The State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts the following law:- PART I...

2003-05: The State Supplementary Appropriation Law, 2003

The State Peace and Development Council The State Supplementary Appropriation Law, 2003 (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 5/2003) The 31st Waxing Day of Taboung, 1364 M.E. (15th March, 2003) The State Peace and Development Council enacts the following...

2003-04: The Law Amending the AMyanmar Registration of Ships Act

The State Peace and Development Council The Law Amending the AMyanmar Registration of Ships Act (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 4/2003) The 12th Waxing Day of Taboung, 1364 M.E. (14th March,2003) The State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts...

2003-03: The Law Amending the Attorney General Law, 2001

The Union of Myanmar The State Peace and Development Council The Law Amending the Attorney General Law, 2001 (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 3/2003) The 1st Waxing Day of Tabodwe, 1364 ME (2nd February 2003) The State Peace and Development Council...