Travel (ခရီးသွား)
Going Green Travels & Tours Co.,Ltd.
Myanmar Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB)
In order to promote tourism in Myanmar, the Myanmar Marketing Committee (MMC), a nonprofit organisation, is making a concerted effort with the international tourism industry. The primary purpose of MMC is to promote Myanmar as a tourist destination and benefit local communities through tourism. MMC is endeavouring to achieve this aim.
Tourism Transparency
Campaigning for an open, accountable and responsible tourism industry in Burma/Myanmar
DOs and DONTs for Tourists
Given the tremendous potential of Myanmar as an emerging tourist destination in the global tourism market and the rapid change the country is currently experiencing, the Myanmar Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the Myanmar Tourism Federation recognized the risk of unsustainable tourism growth and negative impacts relating to culture, society and the environment. In response to this challenge, the first ever Responsible Tourism Conference was held in Naypyitaw in February 2012, followed by the drafting of the Myanmar Responsible Tourism Policy. The Responsible Tourism Policy lists priorities, roles and responsibilities for both public and private sector.
Myanmar Cave Documentation
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M C C - Myanmar Community Coffs Harbour
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Myanmar Flights : flight to Myanmar (Bur...
Myanmar Flights : Online Flights Reservation in Myanmar(Burma) The Leading Myanmar ...
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Myanmar Guardian - Be Informed.
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Welcome to Myanmar Hyperion
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Myanmar-Reise | Tipps für den Urlaub in ...
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Golden City. Golden World. Myanmar (Burm...
Golden City. Golden World. MRPS. Myanmar (Burma)
Liquid: branding and marketing communica...
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