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CSR project by Myanmars.NET

Welcome to Myanmar Laws Archive. This is a CSR (corporate social responsibility) project by Myanmars.NET for legal knowledge education program to our people. The law does not excuse people, because they do not know. Myanmar laws are based on English common law, so that it is very similar to many laws in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, or Malaysia.

We also have a CSR policy that we do NOT do new businesses with alcoholic, cigarette, and MLM businesses.

15. General Provisions

Chapter XVGENERAL PROVISIONS   449. This Constitution is the Basic Law of all the laws of the Union. 450. Myanmar language is the official language. 451. The application of the Basic Principles of the Union in the legislation and administration shall be the care...

14. Transitory Provisions

Chapter XIVTRANSITORY PROVISIONS   441. A nation-wide referendum held for adoption of this Constitution where more than half of the eligible voters voted, of which majority of these voters adopted this Constitution, shall come into operation throughout the Union...

13. State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital

Chapter XIIIState Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and Capital437. (a) The State Flag shall be as shown below : (b) Law shall be promulgated concerning the State Flag.438. (a) The State Seal shall be as shown below : (b) Law shall be promulgated concerning the State...

12. Amendment of the Constitution

Chapter XIIAMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION   433. Any provision of this Constitution may be amended in the manner herein after provided :(a) the proposal to amend the Constitution shall be submitted in the form of a Bill;(b) the Bill to amend the Constitution shall...

11. Provisions on State of Emergency

Chapter XIProvisions on State of Emergency   410. If the President learns that or if the respective local administrative body submits that the administrative functions cannot be carried out in accord with the Constitution in a Region or a State or a Union...

10. Political Parties

Chapter XPOLITICAL PARTIESFormation of the Political Parties   404. A political party shall :(a) set the objective of non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty;(b) be loyal to the State. 405. A...

9. Election

Chapter IXELECTION   Election of People’s Representatives to the Hluttaws391. In electing people’s representatives to the Hluttaws :(a) every citizen who has attained 18 years of age on the day on which the election commences, who is not disqualified by law, who...

8. Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens

Chapter VIIICitizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens   345. All persons who have either one of the following qualifications are citizens of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar:(a) person born of parents both of whom are nationals of the Republic of...

7. Defence Services

Chapter VII Defence Services   337. The main armed force for the Defence of the Union is the Defence Services. 338. All the armed forces in the Union shall be under the command of the Defence Services. 339. The Defence Services shall lead in safeguarding the...

6. Judiciary

Chapter VI Judiciary Formation of Courts 293. Courts of the Union are formed as follows : (a) Supreme Court of the Union, High Courts of the Region, High Courts of the State, Courts of the Self-Administered Division, Courts of the Self- Administered Zone, District...

5. Executive

Chapter V Executive The Union Government 199. (a) The Executive Head of the Union is the President. (b) (i) The executive power of the Union is distributed among the Union, Regions and States. (ii) Self-Administered power is distributed among Self-Administered Areas...

4. Legislature

Chapter IV Legislature The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Formation of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw 74. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw comprises of the following two Hluttaws : (a) in accord with the provisions of Section 109, the Pyithu Hluttaw formed with Hluttaw representatives elected on...

3. Head of State

Chapter III The President and Vice-Presidents 57. The President and Vice-Presidents represent the Union. 58. The President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar takes precedence over all other persons throughout the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 59....

2. State Structure

Chapter II State Structure 49. The Union is delineated and constituted by seven Regions, seven States and the Union territories as follows : (a) Kachin State; (b) Kayah State; (c) Kayin State; (d) Chin State; (e) Sagaing Region; (f) Taninthayi Region; (g) Bago Region;...

1. Basic Principles of the Union

Chapter IBasic Principles of the Union The Republic of the Union of Myanmar 1. Myanmar is an independent sovereign Nation. 2. The State shall be known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 3. The State is where multi-National races collectively reside. 4. The...


Myanmar is a Nation with magnificent historical traditions. We, the National people, have been living in unity and oneness, setting up an independent sovereign State and standing tall with pride. Due to colonial intrusion, the Nation lost her sovereign power in 1885....


Myanmar Law Center

