4.5.2 MIT-3 scenario

In MIT-3, as of 2020, the conversion is assumed to start in all sub-sectors to replace high- GWP refrigerants with a variety of refrigerants, with the refrigerant blends assumed to have an average GWP of 300. Conversion has been assumed to take six years for Article 5 Parties, and the manufacturing capacity is modelled to convert in equal portions per year during the period 2020-2025 (six years). The following graphs are for the Article 5 MIT-3 scenario, split into in the various R/AC sub-sectors.

Figure 4-13: Article 5 MIT-3 scenario with the demand for the R/AC sub-sectors, including both new manufacturing and servicing

Figure 4-13 shows the steep decrease in the first six years as of 2020, after which the curve flattens due to continued servicing needs only. Since some high-GWP equipment will have been manufactured until 2025, and has an average 12 year lifetime, supplies of high-GWP refrigerants will be continue to be required –in decreasing amounts– until about 2035-37. During 2010-2015, stationary AC and commercial refrigeration demands increase rapidly. With controls assumed on new manufacturing as of 2020, the high-GWP refrigerant demand in these sector decreases, being replaced by low-GWP refrigerants, which will account for 80% of total demand between after 2025-2030. This is a large improvement in climate impact, although with this GWP of 300, the large refrigerant volumes considered still have a certain climate impact, the relative importance of these refrigerants is now much lower in the GWP weighted graph. The demand increases again (even with a large percentage low GWP refrigerants) after 2032, due to assumed economic growth.

In Figure 4-14, the new manufacturing demand for the R/AC sub-sectors for high-GWP chemicals is given. By 2026, the demand for high-GWP refrigerants in new equipment manufacture falls to <20% of the 2019 peak value, then starts to increase again due to economic growth.

Figure 4-14: Article 5 MIT-3 scenario for new manufacturing demand for high-GWP refrigerants in the various R/AC sub-sectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (compare Fig. 4-5 for non- Article 5 manufacturing demand)

Figure 4-15: Article 5 MIT-3 scenario with the servicing demand for the various subsectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (compare Fig. 4-6 for non-Article 5 servicing demand)

Figure 4-15 shows the amounts of high-GWP refrigerants in ktonnes CO2-eq. that will be needed for servicing the installed equipment. This varies between sectors and according to the speed of the manufacturing transition (the slower the manufacturing transition, the longer the servicing tail). Amounts (expressed in GWP weighted terms) will increase again after 2030- 2032.

4.5.3 Impact of manufacturing conversion periods in the MIT-3 scenario

Figure 4-16 shows the demand dependent on the rate of conversion or the length of the conversion period, which is an important parameter (unchanged from what was given in (UNEP, 2015)). The six years conversion period in manufacturing for all sub-sectors results in a decrease of approximately 40% by the year 2026, and about 50% by 2030. After 2026, the remaining demand is for servicing, and only declines by about 10% over the following four years (2026-2030). At the other extreme, a twelve years manufacturing conversion period only leads to a negligible reduction by 2026, and a 25% reduction by 2030. There is a difference of about 350 Mt CO2-eq. between the 6 and 12 year manufacturing conversion periods after 2025.

Figure 4-16: Article 5 MIT-3 demand scenario for all R/AC sectors for new manufacturing conversion periods of 6-8-10-12 years in Mt CO2-eq. (UNEP, 2015)

A twelve year conversion period does not yield a lower demand until after 4-5 years after the start of the conversion in the year 2020. The build-up of the servicing demand (from the manufacturing that has not yet been converted) causes this increasing profile in the demand curve (2020-2025). Ten years after the start of the conversion in 2020, a demand reduction of 20-25% can be observed in this case. In the year 2026, the demand for the 12 years conversion period is almost twice as high as for the six years conversion period, which underscores that a rapid conversion will be very important. It will be clear that there is a direct relationship of the shape of the curves to the conversion period. There are also cost implications. A six year conversion period would imply twice the costs in the first six years after 2020 (2021-2026), compared to the 12 years conversion period, where the same amount will be spread over 12 years (see further in chapter 6).

4.5.4 MIT-4 scenario

Figure 4-17: Article 5 MIT-4 total demand scenario by R/AC sub-sectors in ktonnes CO2- eq. (compare Figure 4-13 for MIT-3)

Figure 4-17 includes both manufacturing and servicing, and is the same as Fig 4-13 for MIT- 3, except for the stationary AC sub-sector graph (in green), which continues to increase until 2025, before declining. MIT-4 parameters are otherwise identical to MIT-3 (replacement refrigerant blends GWP 300; 6 year manufacturing conversion).

Figure 4-18 also shows the data for HFCs used in new manufacturing only. The various subsectors now decline to zero new manufacturing demand at different times.
Demand in GWP weighted terms increases again after 2030-2032.

Figure 4-18: Article 5 MIT-4 scenario for new manufacturing demand for the various R/AC sub-sectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (compare Fig. 4-14 for MIT-3)

Figure 4-19: Article 5 MIT-4 scenario with the servicing demand for the various subsectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (stationary AC starting in 2025, and assuming a conversion of manufacturing over a period of six years) (compare Fig. 4-15 for MIT-3)

In 2020-2025, demand for new manufacturing peaks at about 550 Mt CO2-eq, and demand for servicing is about 300 Mt CO2-eq, but by 2026, these values are reversed. Servicing demand peaks around 2027, at a high level of about 560 Mt CO2-eq., due to the late conversion of the stationary AC sector (assumed to rely on the refrigerants R-410A and R-407C).The above graphs give a good impression of the impact of the stationary AC sector.

4.5.5 Impact of manufacturing conversion periods in the MIT-4 scenario

Figure 4-20: Article 5 MIT-4 demand scenario for all R/AC sectors combined for new manufacturing conversion periods of 6-8-10-12 years in Mt CO2-eq. (compare Figure 5-16 for the MIT-3 scenario) (UNEP, 2015)

Impact of the rate of manufacturing conversion: a long period of manufacturing conversion will result in an enhanced and long-lasting demand for high-GWP HFCs for servicing.

Fig. 4-20 gives the four curves for the six, eight, ten and 12 years manufacturing conversion periods for all refrigeration and AC sub-sectors together (as in (UNEP, 2015)). The delayed manufacturing conversion for stationary AC from 2020 to 2025 makes a large difference in the high-GWP demand.

For a six year conversion period, the HFC demand for MIT-3 and MIT-4 is projected for 2030 as (compare Figs. 4-16 and 4-20):

• MIT-3 (stationary AC conversion starting at 2020) – 410 Mt CO2-eq

• MIT-4 (stationary AC conversion starting at 2025) – 640 Mt CO2-eq

The delay of five years for stationary AC conversion to 2025 results in a more than 50% increase in annual HFC climate impact by the year 2030.

The MIT-4 scenario has a major adverse climate impact compared to MIT-3. There are cost implications of the MIT-4 scenario.

A delay of five years for starting SAC conversion, and a six year manufacturing conversion period, means that the overall costs have to be considered over a longer period than six years (i.e., over 12 years (rather than six years)).

4.5.6 MIT-5 scenario

Figure 4-21: Article 5 MIT-5 scenario by R/AC sub-sectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (compare Figure 4-13 and 4-17 for MIT-3 and MIT-4)

Figure 4-21 includes both manufacturing and servicing, and is similar to Figs 4-13 and 4-17 for MIT-3 and MIT-4 (replacement refrigerant blends at a GWP of 300; six year manufacturing conversion).

Figure 4-22 also shows the same data just for HFCs used in new manufacturing. All subsectors decline to zero new manufacturing demand at the same time (as in MIT-3).

Figure 4-22: Article 5 MIT-5 scenario for new manufacturing demand for the various R/AC sub-sectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (manufacturing conversion over a period of six years) (compare Figure 4-14 and 4-19 for MIT-3 and MIT-4)

Figure 4-23: Article 5 MIT-5 scenario with the servicing demand for the various subsectors in ktonnes CO2-eq. (assuming a conversion of manufacturing over a period of six years) (compare Figure 4-15 and 4-19 for MIT-3 and MIT-4)

In 2025, demand for new manufacturing peaks at about 760 Mt CO2-eq, and demand for servicing is about 650 Mt CO2-eq. After 2030, the manufacturing demand has gone down to a little more than 100 Mt CO2-eq., then increases again due to assumed economic growth to more than 200 Mt CO2-eq.

Servicing demand peaks at about 660 Mt CO2-eq., due to the late conversions of all subsectors, then decreases until around 2045 to about 330 Mt CO2-eq., after which year it starts to increase again (economic growth assumed).

4.5.7 Impact of manufacturing conversion periods in the MIT-5 scenario

Figure 4-24: Article 5 MIT-5 demand scenario for all R/AC sectors combined for new manufacturing conversion periods of 6-8-10-12 years (compare Figures 4-16 and 4-21 for the MIT-3 and MIT-4 scenarios) (UNEP, 2015)

The impact of the rate of manufacturing conversion is that a long period of manufacturing conversion will result in an enhanced and long-lasting demand for high-GWP HFCs for servicing.

Fig. 4-24 gives the 4 curves for the six, eight, ten and 12 years manufacturing conversion periods for all refrigeration and AC sub-sectors together (again unchanged from what was given in (UNEP, 2015)). The delayed manufacturing conversion for all sub-sectors as of 2025 makes a large difference. While demand for a six year conversion period decreases substantially between 2025 and 2030, a 12 year conversion period only results in a small decrease between 2025 and 2030 (about 100 Mt CO2-eq.).

For a six year conversion period HFC demand is projected for 2030 for MIT-3 and MIT-5 as:

  • MIT-3 (all conversions starting at 2020) – 410 Mt CO2-eq.
  • MIT-5 (all conversions starting at 2025) – 810 Mt CO2-eq.

The delay of five years for all sub-sector conversions to 2025 results in roughly a 100% increase in annual weighted climate impact by the year 2030.

The MIT-5 scenario has a major adverse climate impact compared to MIT-3 (and also to some degree to MIT-4). Furthermore, cost implications of the MIT-5 scenario will therefore be larger than for MIT-3 and MIT-4. In the case of a six year manufacturing conversion period, overall costs will have to be covered over six years (expansion to 12 years does not seem desirable given the climate impact numbers).

4.6 Refrigerant demand and mitigation benefit numbers

On the basis of the development of the demand for the various refrigerants and their replacements for the various sub-sectors (high-GWP and low-GWP alternatives), total demand in tonnes, as well as in GWP based CO2-eq. tonnes can be calculated. The tables below extend to 2050 the non-Article 5 and Article 5 demand in tonnes and Mt-CO2 eq. for BAU, MIT-3 and MIT-5 scenarios.

Table 4-3: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (BAU scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in non-Article 5 Parties (tonnes)

    2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
nA5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 79,097 77,977 72,872 76,869 82,356
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 17,084 18,376 18,584 19,357 22,780
R-­‐407C 11,195 26,802 34,942 43,946 50,402
R-­‐410A 39,385 77,354 94,230 114,001 131,319
Low GWP 7,011 11,844 13,907 16,802 20,538
Total 153,772 212,353 234,535 270,975 307,395
    2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
nA5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 82,356 93,316 108,107 125,265 145,166
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 22,780 26,151 30,221 34,960 40,470
R-­‐407C 50,402 58,256 67,534 78,291 90,760
R-­‐410A 131,319 151,966 176,170 204,229 236,758
Low GWP 131,319 21,170 25,071 29,334 34,188
Total 307,395 350,859 25,071 472,079 547,342

Table 4-4: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (BAU scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in non-Article 5 Parties (ktonnes CO2-eq.)

    2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
nA5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 102,825 101,370 94,733 99,930 107,064
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 67,397 72,490 73,312 76,367 89,875
R-­‐407C 18,135 43,419 56,606 71,193 81,652
R-­‐410A 75,619 148,520 180,922 218,882 252,133
Low GWP 8 10 13 19 27
Total 263,984 365,809 405,586 466,391 530,751
nA5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 107,064 121,311 140,539 162,845 188,716
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 89,875 103,180 119,238 137,936 159,679
R-­‐407C 81,652 94,374 109,405 126,831 147,032
R-­‐410A 252,133 291,774 338,246 392,120 454,575
Low GWP 27 32 38 44 51
Total 530,751 610,671 707,466 819,776 950,053

Table 4-5: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (MIT- 3 scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in non-Article 5 Parties (tonnes)

MIT-­‐3   2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
nA5 3-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 79,097 77,977 18,758 13,415 7,154
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 17,084 18,376 12,882 5,531 2,046
R-­‐407C 11,195 26,802 13,987 10,417 2,716
R-­‐410A 39,385 77,354 22,337 15,831 4,127
Low GWP 7,011 11,844 133,007 189,570 252,410
Total 153,772 212,353 200,971 234,764 268,453
    2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
nA5 3-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 14,013 3,941 4,497 5,153 5,923
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 2,046 155 121 94 73
R-­‐407C 2,716 0 0 0 0
R-­‐410A 4,127 0 0 0 0
Low GWP 252,410 353,069 409,796 475,307 551,172
Total 268,453 357,165 414,414 480,554 557,168

Table 4-6: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (MIT- 3 scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in non-Article 5 Parties (ktonnes CO2-eq.)

MIT-­‐3 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
nA5 3-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 102,825 101,370 24,384 17,441 9,301
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 67,397 72,490 50,811 21,816 8,072
R-­‐407C 18,135 43,419 22,660 16,876 4,401
R-­‐410A 75,619 148,520 42,886 30,396 7,923
Low GWP 8 10 29,826 43,478 58,396
Total 263,984 365,809 170,568 130,007 88,093
2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
nA5 3-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 9,301 5,124 5,846 6,699 7,700
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 8,072 611 475 370 288
R-­‐407C 4,401 0 0 0 0
R-­‐410A 7,923 0 0 0 0
Low GWP 58,396 72,898 84,498 97,948 113,542
Total 88,093 78,633 90,819 105,017 121,530

The following can be observed for non-Article 5 Parties and the MIT-3 scenario, which results in the conversion of manufacturing by the year 2020:

• The demand for various HFCs in non-Article 5 Parties is assumed to decrease substantially between 2015 and 2030, by more than 70% in climate weighted terms, thereafter the decrease will be much slower (values are already very low);

• The demand for the stationary AC sub-sector decreases enormously between 2025 and 2030, because virtually all requirements for high-GWP refrigerants disappear. The amount of low-GWP refrigerants in climate terms now becomes very relevant (due to the remaining GWP of 300 assumed for low-GWP refrigerant blends).

A number of tables containing the demand data in tonnes and ktonnes CO2-eq. extended to 2050 for the BAU, MIT-3 and MIT-5 scenarios in Article 5 Parties are given below.

Table 4-7: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (BAU scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in Article 5 Parties (tonnes)

    2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
A5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 54,393 74,524 100,162 127,267 161,107
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 13,085 36,404 63,963 111,927 167,690
R-­‐407C 16,543 55,278 101,216 174,433 285,500
R-­‐410A 40,975 106,661 192,770 284,682 364,845
Low GWP 22,430 29,318 39,132 51,975 69,915
Total 147,426 302,185 497,243 750,284 1,049,057
    2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
A5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 161,107 204,027 257,413 324,537 409,494
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 167,690 223,579 287,745 361,077 449,614
R-­‐407C 285,500 372,998 457,406 532,391 587,361
R-­‐410A 364,845 427,266 479,588 524,488 566,180
Low GWP 69,915 85,957 104,807 127,577 155,209
Total 1,049,057 1,313,827 1,586,959 1,870,070 2,167,858

Table 4-8: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (BAU scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in Article 5 Parties (ktonnes CO2-eq.)

    2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
A5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 70,712 96,880 130,210 165,447 209,440
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 51,584 143,511 252,168 441,229 661,025
R-­‐407C 26,799 89,550 163,971 282,581 462,511
R-­‐410A 78,671 204,789 370,118 546,589 700,502
Low GWP 62 115 203 314 469
Total 227,828 534,845 916,670 1,436,160 2,033,947
    2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
A5 BAU HFC-­‐134a 209,440 265,234 334,637 421,897 532,343
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 661,025 881,313 1,134,195 1,423,289 1,772,283
R-­‐407C 462,511 604,256 740,997 862,474 951,525
R-­‐410A 700,502 820,350 920,809 1,007,017 1,087,066
Low GWP 478 601 752 940 1,171
Total 2,033,956 2,571,754 3,131,390 3,715,617 4,344,388
  • The demand for various high-GWP HFCs in Article 5 Parties is (still) calculated to increase by a factor 3-4 in the BAU scenario in climate terms during 2015-2030 and by a factor of 7-8 during 2015-2050;
  • The BAU scenario shows a large growth in demand for the high-GWP refrigerants R-404A, R-407C and R-410A, mainly due to the external (economic growth) factors.

Table 4-9: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (MIT- 3 scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in Article 5 Parties (tonnes)

MIT-­‐3   2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 54,393 74,649 91,265 48,357 39,331
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 13,085 36,679 58,259 36,123 12,751
R-­‐407C 16,543 55,278 92,804 58,029 20,684
R-­‐410A 40,975 106,661 170,273 65,015 18,972
Low GWP 22,430 29,318 87,522 562,500 991,332
Total 147,426 302,585 500,123 770,024 1,083,070
MIT-­‐3   2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 39,331 39,386 47,809 57,936 70,499
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 12,751 2,970 1,576 3,306 5,077
R-­‐407C 20,684 13,059 4,411 0 0
R-­‐410A 18,972 13,467 4,267 0 0
Low GWP 991,332 1,244,943 1,528,895 1,808,828 2,092,281
Total 1,083,070 1,313,825 1,586,958 1,870,070 2,167,857

Table 4-10: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (MIT-3 scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in Article 5 Parties (ktonnes CO2-eq.)

MIT-­‐3   2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 70,712 96,880 117,959 61,810 49,670
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 51,584 143,511 227,693 141,897 50,899
R-­‐407C 26,799 89,550 150,343 94,007 33,508
R-­‐410A 78,671 204,789 326,924 124,828 36,425
Low GWP 62 115 11,394 123,925 230,156
Total 227,828 534,858 834,313 546,467 400,658
MIT-­‐3   2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2020 HFC-­‐134a 49,670 51,201 62,151 75,316 91,649
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 50,899 11,716 6,210 13,024 20,005
R-­‐407C 33,508 21,156 7,146 0 0
R-­‐410A 36,425 25,856 8,192 0 0
Low GWP 230,156 299,573 365,941 426,394 481,920
Total 400,658 409,502 449,640 514,734 593,574

The following can be observed for the Article 5 Parties, in the case of the MIT-3 scenario:

  • The demand for various high-GWP HFCs in Article 5 Parties is estimated to increase by more than 50% between 2015 and 2020 in climate terms, however, it decreases again to the 2015 level in the year 2025;
  • The most surprising result is that the demand in climate terms is reduced by only 20-25% in the year 2030, compared to 2015 (of course, it is much higher in the year 2020). This is due to the high growth assumed, in particular, for stationary AC, where, for all subsectors together, the use of replacement refrigerant blends with a GWP of 300 (at one million tonnes) is calculated to represent a climate impact of 230 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030;
  • It should be realised that the proposed MIT-3 manufacturing conversion will be very demanding and the assumptions used here are based on the fact that institutional and industrial capacities can completely deal with the conversion in this timeframe.

Table 4-11: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (MIT-5 scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in Article 5 Parties (tonnes)

MIT-­‐5   2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2025 HFC-­‐134a 54,393 74,524 100,162 115,545 60,851
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 13,085 36,404 63,963 101,843 54,014
R-­‐407C 16,543 55,278 101,216 160,942 108,166
R-­‐410A 40,975 106,661 192,770 254,067 104,162
Low GWP 22,430 29,318 39,132 117,161 714,856
Total 147,426 302,185 497,243 749,558 1,042,049
MIT-­‐5   2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2025 HFC-­‐134a 60,851 44,532 48,104 58,047 70,499
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 54,014 29,994 11,445 3,515 5,077
R-­‐407C 108,166 30,160 21,180 7,194 0
R-­‐410A 104,162 83,830 55,193 16,085 0
Low GWP 714,856 1,125,310 1,451,035 1,785,231 2,092,281
Total 1,042,049 1,313,826 1,586,957 1,870,072 2,167,857

Table 4-12: Current and future refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives (MIT-5 scenario) for the period 2010-2050 in Article 5 Parties (ktonnes CO2-eq.)

    2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2025 HFC-­‐134a 70,712 96,880 130,210 150,208 79,106
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 51,584 143,511 252,168 401,490 213,054
R-­‐407C 26,799 89,550 163,791 260,727 175,229
R-­‐410A 78,761 204,789 370,118 487,808 199,992
Low GWP 62 115 203 16,637 166,480
Total 227,828 534,845 916,670 1,316,870 833,861
    2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
A5 6-­‐year conversion 2025 HFC-­‐134a 79,106 57,892 62,535 75,460 91,649
R-­‐404A + R-­‐507 214,824 118,243 45,115 13,846 20,005
R-­‐407C 175,229 48,859 34,312 11,654 0
R-­‐410A 199,992 160,953 105,970 30,882 0
Low GWP 166,332 265,216 342,666 419,344 481,920
Total 835,483 651,163 590,598 551,186 593,574

In Tables 4-11 and 4-12 above, the following can be observed for the Article 5 Parties and the MIT-5 scenario:

• The MIT-5 scenario represents a much higher climate impact than the MIT-3 scenario. For the future, the question remains which scenario could or would be the most likely one that Article 5 Parties can and will follow;

• The demand for various high-GWP HFCs in Article 5 Parties is calculated to increase by a factor of 1.7 between 2015 and 2020 and by a factor 1.45 between 2020 and 2025, expressed in ktonnes CO2-eq.. (this corresponds more or less to the same growth in refrigerant demand in tonnes);

• One might conclude that the proposed MIT-5 manufacturing conversion is not expected to be too demanding and that institutional and industrial capacities should be able to deal with the conversion in this timeframe, if not before. This, of course, assumes the gradual
acceptance of alternatives for all sub-sectors before 2025, which seems to be definitely possible taking into account the pace of acceptance for many alternatives anticipated at present.

Table 4-13: Refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives in the BAU, MIT-3, MIT-4 and MIT-5 scenarios for various periods in Article 5 Parties (n.b., in Mt CO2-eq.); the total concerns the total refrigerant demand over the period 2020-2050

Period 2020-­‐2030 2031-­‐2040 2041-­‐2050 Total
A5 BAU 16016 26321 37874 80211
A5 MIT-­‐3 6349 4202 5257 15808
A5 MIT-­‐4 9762 5798 5540 21100
A5 MIT-­‐5 12069 6696 5719 24484
Table 4-14: Refrigerant demand for (refrigerant) ODS alternatives in the BAU, MIT-3, MIT-4 and MIT-5 scenarios for the periods 2020-2030, 2020-2040 and 2020-2050 in Article 5 Parties (n.b., in Mt CO2-eq.); in brackets the saving for the various MIT scenarios compared to BAU in that period is given

Period 2020-­‐2030 2020-­‐2040 2020-­‐2050
A5 BAU 16016 42337 80211
A5 MIT-­‐3 6349 (0,604) 10551 (0,751) 15808 (0,803)
A5 MIT-­‐4 9762 (0,390) 15560 (0,632) 21100 (0,737)
A5 MIT-­‐5 12069 (0,246) 18765 (0,557) 24484 (0,695)

(As already presented in the XXVI/9 report (UNEP, 2015)) Table 4-13 (and 4-14) shows the following (rounded) integrated total refrigerant demand for the three scenarios for the period 2020-2030 in Mt CO2-eq.:

BAU: 16,000 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-3: 6,400 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-4: 9,800 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-5: 12,000 Mt CO2-eq.

The MIT-3 reduction from BAU of 9,500 Mt CO2-eq. represents a saving of 60%. In the case of the MIT-4 scenario, with a reduction of about 6200 Mt CO2-eq. compared to BAU, there is a saving of almost 40% from BAU. The MIT-5 reduction of 4,000 Mt CO2-eq. represents a smaller saving of 25% from BAU for this 2020-2030 period.

Values change calculated for the three scenarios in Mt CO2-eq. through 2050:
BAU: 80,200 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-3: 15,800 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-4: 21,000 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-5: 24,500 Mt CO2-eq.

The MIT-3 reduction from BAU represents a saving of 80%. In the case of the MIT-4 scenario there is a saving of about 75% while the MIT-5 reduction of 56,000 Mt CO2-eq. compared to BAU represents a savings of 70% from BAU. There are still differences between the various MIT scenarios. However, the BAU demand for the entire period 2020-2050 becomes so large that the differences in reduction between the various mitigation scenarios MIT-3, -4 and -5 become less relevant.

A more reasonable estimate of the savings that can be realised via the various MIT scenarios may be the consideration of the period 2020-2040;

BAU: 42,300 Mt CO2-eq.
MIT-3: 10,600 Mt CO2-eq. 75% saving compared to BAU
MIT-4: 15,600 Mt CO2-eq. 63% saving compared to BAU
MIT-5: 18,800 Mt CO2-eq. 56% saving compared to BAU.

Another way to look at this is to analyse the trends in demand that are observed, as follows:

  • Peak values determined for the refrigerant demand increase with a later start of conversion. The peak value for MIT-3 in 2020 is about 820 Mt CO2-eq. The peak value for MIT-4 in the year 2023, with conversion of stationary AC starting in 2025, is 25% higher (at 1025 Mt CO2-eq.), whereas the peak value for demand for MIT-5 in the year 2025 is 62% higher than the one for MIT-3 (at 1330 Mt CO2-eq.).
  • For MIT-3, the average decline over a period of ten years after the peak year is 5.3% per year (from 820 down to 390 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030), for MIT-4 it is 4.5% per year (from 1025 down to 570 Mt CO2-eq. in 2033) and for MIT-5 it is 5.5% per year (from 1330 down to 605 Mt CO2-eq.). If the freeze year (which coincides with the peak year) is chosen as the starting point, an average annual reduction of 5% in total demand (manufacturing and servicing) seems feasible for all types of scenarios. These values all apply to a manufacturing conversion period of six years.
  • For each separate Article 5 country the peak (freeze) values will still be in the same years for the various MIT scenarios considered, however, annual reduction percentages achievable thereafter may be significantly different per country.

4.7 References

Campbell, 2015 Campbell, N., Presentation at OORG meeting World Bank, “HFC
Production and Demand”, May 2015
Kaixian, 2015 Kaixian, W., Presentation at OORG meeting World Bank,
“HCFCs/HFCs Production in China”, May 2015
Kuijpers, 2015 Kuijpers, L., Private communications from chemical manufacturers,
May-July 2015
McCulloch, 2015 Private communications with L. Kuijpers, May 2015
Montzka, 2015 S. A. Montzka, M. McFarland, S. O. Andersen, B. R. Miller, D. W.
Fahey, B. D. Hall, L. Hu, C. Siso, and J. W. Elkins, Recent Trends in
Global Emissions of Hydrochlorofluorocarbons and
Hydrofluorocarbons: Reflecting on the 2007 Adjustments to the
Montreal Protocol, J. Phys. Chem., dx.doi.org/10,1021/jp5097376, 2015
Rigby et al., 2013 M. Rigby, R.G. Prinn, S. O’Doherty, B.R. Miller, D. Ivy, J. Muehle,
C.M . Hart, P.K. Salameh, T. Arnolds, R.F. Weiss, P.B. Krummel, L.P.
Steele, P.J. Fraser, D. Young and .P. Simmonds, “Recent and future
trends in synthetic greenhouse gas radiative forcing”, Geophysical
Research Letters, 10,1002/2013GL059099
RTOC, 2010 UNEP, Refrigeration, AC and Heat Pumps Technical Options
Committee, 2010 Assessment Report, ISBN 978-9966-20-002-0
UNEP, 2015 UNEP, Update Report of the XXVI/9 TEAP Task Force, September
2015, ISBN 978-9966-076-14-4

5 List of acronyms and abbreviations

AHRI Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute
AREP Alternative Refrigerants Evaluation Program
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CEN European Committee for Standardisation
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COP Coefficient of Performance
EPA US Environmental Protection Agency
EU European Union
GWP Global Warming Potential
HC Hydrocarbon
HCC Hydrochlorocarbon
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon
HCFO Hydrochlorofluoroolefin
HCO Oxygenated hydrocarbon
HFC Hydrofluorocarbon
HFO Hydrofluoroolefin
HTOC Halons Technical Options Committee
IIR International Institute for Refrigeration
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
LCCP Life Cycle Climate Performance
MBH Thousand BTUs per Hour
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential
ODS Ozone Depleting Substance
OEL Occupational Exposure Limit
R/AC Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (also RAC&HP)
RTOC Refrigeration, AC and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee
SNAP Significant New Alternatives Policy
TEAP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel
TEWI Total Equivalent Warming Impact
TLV Threshold Limit Value
UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
VOC Volatile Organic Compound

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