၂၈-၇-၁၇၅၇ မှာ မြန်မာဘုရင်
#အလောင်းဘုရား နဲ့ အင်္ဂလိပ်တို့ စစ်စခမ်းအငှားနဲ့ မဟာမိတ်စာချုပ် ချုပ်ထားခဲ့တယ်။ ရှေးတုန်းက မြန်မာဘုရင်တွေ international politics ကို ဘယ်လို ကစားခဲ့သလဲဆိုတာ စိတ်ဝင်စားစရာ တွေ့ရမှာ ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ ကျောင်းတွေမှာ သင်တဲ့ မြန်မာသမိုင်းထဲမှာ ဟိုင်းကြီးကျွန်း အရေးတော်ပုံလို့ တိုတိုလောက်ပဲ ဖတ်ဖူးခဲ့ပြီး၊ အခုလို စစ်စခမ်း အငှား စာချုပ် ချုပ်ခဲ့မှန်းတောင် ကျွန်တော်တို့ generation က မသိခဲ့ရဘူးဗျာ။ အခုမှ အင်တာနက် ကျေးဇူးနဲ့ သိရတာ။
#ဟိုင်းကြီးကျွန်း (Negrais Island) ကို အင်္ဂလိပ် ကုန်သွယ်ရေစခမ်း၊ စစ်စခမ်း အဖြစ် အသုံးပြုခွင့် ပေးတယ်
– မြန်မာအစိုးရကို တစ်နှစ် ယမ်းအကောင်းစား ပိဿာ ၂၀၀ ပေးရမယ်
– မြန်မာကုန်သည်တွေက အိန္ဒိယက အင်္ဂလိပ်ပိုင် ဆိပ်ကမ်းမြို့တွေကို duty free တင်ပို့ရောင်းချခွင့်ရမယ်
– ထားဝယ်ဘုရင်နဲ့ မြန်မာက စစ်တိုက်ရရင် မြန်မာဘက်က အင်္ဂလိပ်ကူပေးရမယ် (အဲဒီတုန်းက ထားဝယ်စားက ထိုင်းလက်အောက်ခံ ထင်တယ်)
ရှေးသုံးအင်္ဂလိပ်စာတွေ လည်းဖြစ်နေတော့ ကျွန်တော် နားလည်တာ လွဲနိုင်ပါတယ်။ တွေ့ရင်ပြင်ပေးကြပါနော်။ စာချုပ်ကို ဒီ law web site မှာ တင်ထားပါတယ်။
နောက်ပိုင်းကျတော့ မွန်တွေကို အင်္ဂလိပ်က လက်နက် သွားရောင်းလို့ ဒီစာချုပ် ဖောက်ဖျက်တယ်ဆိုပြီး၊ အလောင်းမင်းတရားက တက်ဆော်လိုက်တာ ဟိုင်းကြီးကျွန်းမှာ ရှိသမျှ အင်္ဂလိပ်တွေ ကုန်ရော။ East India Company က အင်္ဂလန် လွှတ်တော်ကို မြန်မာပြည်ထဲ စစ်ဝင်တိုက်ဘို့ ခွင့်တောင်းတော့ လွှတ်တော်က ပယ်ချခဲ့တဲ့ မှတ်တမ်းတွေကအစ အင်တာနက်ထဲ မွှေနောက်တတ်ရင် တွေ့နိုင်ပါတယ်။
1757-07-28 – Treaty Between Alaung-hpaya and the British East India Company
TREATY of FRIENDSHIP and ALLIANCE, between The Honourable The United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, Subjects of His most Sacred Majesty, George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Inland, King &c. &c. &c. of the One Part, and the Great King of Ava and Pegu, The greatest King upon Earth, Allaum Praw &c. &c. &c. of the Other Part.
Be it known, unto all whom it may concern, that the Parties abovementioned, wisely considering that the Riches of Kingdoms are derived from Commerce, for the Promotion and Prosperity whereof, it is necessary, that Security and a Free intercourse should subsist, between the Nations trading together, they the said Parties have, therefore, for their mutual Benefit and Advantage, Agreed on the following Articles
1st. The King of Ava and Pegu doth hereby, for himself, his Heirs and successors, freely and absolutely grant unto the said Honourable United Company, and their Successors, the Island of Negrais, which from henceforth for evermore they shall and may peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy, together with all Benefits and Advantages arising therefrom.
2d. The King of Ava and Pegu, for himself and his Successors, doth also hereby freely and absolutely grant, unto the said Honourable United Companyy, and their Successors, a Spot, or Tract, of Ground situate on the Bank of Persaim River, opposite to the Pagoda Hill, and the Old Town of Persaim, of the following Extent, Viz. Two hundred Bamboos square, each Bamboo containing 7 Cubits, which said Spot, or Tract, of Ground at Persaim, The said Company and their Successors, shall and may henceforth, for evermore, peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy, together with all Benefit and Advantage arising thereby, and with full Liberty to build Fortifications, and erect such other Buildings thereon, as they shall think fit.
3d. The King of Ava and Pegu doth hereby further for himself, his Heirs and Successors, freely and absolutely, grant unto the said Honourable United Company, and their Successors, and the Servants of the said Company, the full and unlimited Priviledge of trading, in what kind of Goods or Merchandize they shall think fit, throughout all his Dominions, without let or hindrance, and free of all Duties or Customs whatsoever; provided that the Commander of every Ship, arriving at any of his Ports, and claiming the above previledge, do produce before he can be entitled thereto, Certificate signed by the Governors, Chiefs, Factors or Agents of the said Company, that the Goods onboard such Ship, are the sole Property of the said Company, or their Servants, but all Goods whatsoever belonging to Strangers, or Persons not actually in the Service, of the said Company, shall pay the accustomed Duties.
4th. The King of Ava and Pegu doth hereby give and grant unto the said Honourable Company, and their Successors, and Servants, the free Liberty of employing such Artificers, Workmen or Tradesmen of his Subjects, as shall be willing to engage in his Service, on paying them the usual and accustomed Wages, And the King doth also hereby promise, that he will publish to his Subjects, free Liberty of engaging themselves in the said Company’s Service as aforesaid.
5th. The King of Ava and Pegu doth hereby promise, that in Case any of his Officers, or Subjects, shall at any time invade, or molest the said Company, or their Servants, in any manner of wise, or abridge them of any of their Priviledges of Trade, herein before expressed, on due Complaint thereof made, he will, to the utmost of his Power, without delay, protect and defend the said Company, and their Servants, and support them in the exercise and enjoyment of the said Priviledges.
6th. In consideration whereof, the said Honourable Company do hereby promise and oblige themselves to present unto the King of Ava, and Pegu, annually, one Piece of Ordnance to carry a twelve pound Shot, as likewise 200 Viss of good Gunpowder, as an Acknowledgement, that they bear in remembrance the King’s Friendship, in granting the said Island of Negrais, with the Spot, or Tract of Ground, situate on the Bank of Persaim River, as before-mentioned, to the said Company.
7th. The said United Company do hereby, tor themselves their Heirs and Successors, fully and absolutely grant unto the King of Ava and Pegu, and his Successors,and his and their Sublets the full and unlimited Priviledge of trading in what kind of Goods or Merchandize they shall think fit, at the said Company’s Ports, of Fort St. George, Fort St. David, Deve Cotah, and Vizagapatam, on the Coast of Choromandel, or any other of the Company’s Ports in India, without any Let or hindrance, and free of all Duties and Customs whatsoever, provided that the Commander of every Ship, arriving at the said Ports, and claiming the above Priviledge do produce, before he can be entitled thereto, a Certificate, under the King’ Chop, that the Goods on board such Ship, are the sole Property of the King, or his Subjects.
8th. The United Company do hereby, for themselves and their Successors, promise and oblige themselves to aid, assist and defend, the King of Ava and Pegu, and his Successors against all their Enemies by Sea and Land, and for that purpose to furnish such a number of Troops, with proper Warlike Stores, as the Occasion may necessarily require, and the said Company can conveniently spare, from the Defence and Protection of their own Territories; upon consideration, nevertheless, that the King shall defray the Wages, and all Charges whatsoever, of such Troops, during the Time they shall be in his Service, and pay for all Warlike Stores that shall be expended.
9th. The said Uniitd Company do further for themselves and their Successors, promise that in Case the King of Tavoy, should, at any time hereafter, take up Arms against the King of Ava, and Pegu they will not on any Account give him the least Aid or Assistance; but on the contrary they do oblige themselves to protect and defend the King of Ava, and his Dominions and Subjects, to the utmost of their Power.
In Witness whereof, I the Great King of Ava. and Pegu, &c. Allaum Praw, have hereunto affixed my Royal Signet, this 28th day of July 1757.
“The King of Ava & Pegu’s Royal Signet.” [seal]